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How to Prevent Skin Ageing? | Active Skincare Ingredients

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Did you know…? Your skin is the largest organ in your body.

Turning back time | Formulations to prevent skin-ageing

With the desire to maintain healthy, youthful skin on the rise, it’s no surprise that British women are set to spend £1.36 billion on facial skincare by 2023. What’s more, in 2019 alone, over 2000 ‘anti-ageing’ personal care products were launched in Europe. Combined, this highlights that products which support youthful skin are extremely lucrative in today’s personal care industry (Mintel).


Skin ageing - How does it happen?

Skin ageing happens in 2 key ways – intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic ageing

Intrinsic ageing is relatively uncontrollable and is dependent upon internal factors such as:

Extrinsic ageing

This type of ageing can be controlled and prevented more easily than intrinsic ageing. It can be caused by many external factors - including but not limited to:

Active skincare ingredients

On behalf of Evonik, Surfachem supplies a range of active skincare ingredients that help support youthful skin. Turning back the time and restoring your youth has never been so simple. The largest organ needs the largest care!

For more information, get in touch with us by email or on our social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

Wednesday, 05 February 2020
