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SCS Formulate 2024 | Stand 810

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SCS Formulate is fast approaching!

Surfachem’s personal care team will be exhibiting at SCS Formulate on stand 810, joined by our partners, Evonik, Stepan, Jungbunzlauer and Sensient.

What is SCS Formulate?

SCS Formulate is the largest personal care and cosmetics exhibition in the UK. Over 200 companies regularly attend the exhibition, showcasing all things chemistry and personal care. From raw materials to packaging solutions, there is something here for everyone in the personal care industry.

Key details

Surfachem Inspire Presentation

SCS Formulate hosts multiple presentations featuring latest trends, products and insights, which are free to attend for all guests and exhibitors.

Abbie Charles and Charlie Munday will be presenting our market insight through our Inspire Presentation titled: “Champagne Lifestyle on a Lemonade Budget”. Abbie and Charlie will be presenting on Tuesday 12th November at 11:30am in Room C.

Surfachem Sensory Workshop

Join us to explore the latest cost-efficient trends as we explore the importance of look, smell and feel in your formulations, with our multi-sensory workshop titled: "Feel and Hue: Discovering Textures and Colours Without Breaking the Bank".

Delivering the workshop will be two of our laboratory and marketing specialists: Ella Kerry, who will focus on all things formulation, and Edna Sulejmanović who will explore the trends with you. Ella and Edna will be presenting on Tuesday 12th November at 2:00pm at the Sensory Bar.

Discover the launch of Surf-It - Autumn/Winter edition for 2024

Whether you're a formulator looking for inspiration, a brand manager seeking insights into the latest consumer trends, or simply someone who loves all things personal care, Surf-It is the perfect place to find the information you need. We've designed the magazine to be easy and quick to read, with engaging articles that will keep you coming back for more.

Visit Surfachem on Stand 810...

From established companies to start-ups, no matter who you are or where you are based, we are here to help develop your next generation of products.

Visit us at stand 810 to find out more, or join us for our Inspire Presentation and Sensory Workshop!

Monday, 21 October 2024
